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SRX-100-RMK SRX100 19" rack-mount kit. Holds two units.
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SRX100-MEM-LIC-UPG SRX100 Memory Software License - Upgrades SRX100B model from 512MB RAM to 1GB RAM
1-port SFP Mini Physical Interface Module (Mini-PIM) for branch SRX Series
3 year support contract for SRX100 series (SRX100, SRX100H2, etc)
J-care NextDay 3yr Service Package for SRX210 series
Juniper UTM Three year security subscription for enterprise includes Sophos AV, enhanced WF, Sophos AS, AppSecure and IDP on SRX240
Juniper VDSL2 Mini-PIM
Juniper G.SHDSL Mini-PIM
Juniper ADSL2+ Mini-PIM (analog / annex a / PSTN)
Juniper ADSL2+ Mini-PIM (digital / annex b / ISDN2)
Juniper 1-Port small form-factor pluggable (SFP) Mini-PIM
Juniper DOCSIS3 Mini-PIM
SRX210 Rack mount kit for 19" rack. Holds one unit.
Zelfde werkdag J-Care 1 jaar voor SRX220 (hardware omruil)
Volgende werkdag J-Care 3 jaar voor SRX220 (hardware omruil)
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